♪ Upbeat Rock Music ♪5 orange LP401 low profile skid steers are parked side by side in the lush green grass in front of a beige and black building. The HARD-LINE logo, brown and orange mountains bisected horizontally by “HARD-LINE" written in black, sits on the beige portion of the building. White letters surrounded by a black gradient shadow “Versatile” slides into view to the right of the LP401s.
An LP401 in operation partially inside a culvert. White letters surrounded by black “Low profile” slides into view above the LP401.
Image taken from behind an orange LP401 in the grass of a scenic green field with overcast. In the distance a forest is visible. White letters surrounded by black “Robust” slides into view above the LP401.
An image of an operator’s hands on the controls of an LP401’s RRC remote. The remote has a black screen on the top so the operator can see the view from in front of the machine. White letters surrounded by black “Remote Control” slides into view below the remote.
A new operator’s hands, wearing gloves, operating an RRC remote for an unseen LP401. The operator shifts the left joystick towards the left. The RRC remote is held in place around the operators’ shoulders with a black harness.
An LP401 enters into a culvert. White letters inside an orange rectangle, “Cleans & clears culverts” comes into view. The view from the LP401 inside the culvert. The view shows the bucket and the arms on the left and right. The LP401 approaches and scoops some of the debris from the pile of dirt and rocks in the culvert. The LP401 backs out of the culvert and turns to move in a different direction with its bucket full.
An LP401 pushing snow in a parking lot, several other LP401s are in the background. White letters inside an orange rectangle, “Removes snow” comes into view.
An LP401 with a mower attachment, cutting through tall grass. White letters inside an orange rectangle, “Landscapes” comes into view. The LP401 now cutting shorter grass near a body of water.
An LP401 moving in reverse, pulling a rusted old vehicle behind it attached with chains. White letters inside an orange rectangle, “Marine salvage” comes into view.
An LP401 with a rockbreaker attachment driving off a trailer into a rocky construction area. White letters inside an orange rectangle, “Demolition” comes into view. The tip of the rockbreaker begins to break apart another concrete pillar with rebar inside.
An image (slowly zooming in) of compatible attachments: bucket, angle broom, rock breaker, mower, chipper, snow blade, grapple, pallet fork and sweeper. Each of the attachments has a small image of the attachment in a white hexagon. Each of them is also labeled in the top of the hexagon. An image of an LP401 being operated in a culvert is in the background of these nine hexagons. White letters inside an orange rectangle, “Compatible with various skid steer attachments” comes into view.
 ♪ Upbeat Rock Music Ends ♪A view from above of an LP401 parked in a construction area as the camera slowly rotates it starts to fade to black. The LP401 logo on the skid steer pops out of vehicle and becomes bigger as if it is flying into the screen. Meantime, as the logo gets bigger, the parked LP401 fades to black leaving with the LP401 and HARD-LINE logos fully in white as the lasting image (logos) fills the screen.